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Kohavinskaya miraculous icon of the Mother of God in the monastery of St. Gerard Chin Holy Redeemer. In the parish church KOHAVINSKOY diary reads: "This is an image painted on oak, horoshoobrabotannoy [...] The image depicts the Most Pure Virgin Mary, who holds in his left hand in the child Jesus. Downstairs nadpislatyni: O MATER DEIELECTA ESTO NOBIS VIA RECTA (Oh, Mother of God, chosen, you nasheypryamoy expensive [the Lord]). The image of the ancient times was at the path that ran from city to Zhydachiv m ores, the old dubovyev KOHAVINSKOGO line, at check-in. . This beautiful image, as well as its excellent location attracted the attention of travelers and residents, who are just passing by this place, stayed, was carrying a prayer, praising the Queen of Heaven. And the Lord God through the prayers of the Blessed Virgin Mary is not a traveler in this place and listened to the difficulties of comfort. Sorry, do not know who painted this image and set in place. ."According to legend, in 1646, when the hostess m ores Anna Voyankovska drove forest, her horse suddenly stopped and fell to his knees. Realizing that this place is special, Voyankovska got out of the carriage and saw the tree icon. 1650 icon solemnly transferred to the parish church of the ore. 1680 in the forest with the help KOHAVINSKOM Kiev governor's wife Theresa Vygovskaya wooden chapel was built and moved into it to honor the miraculous icon. Many pilgrims come here, miracles happen. May 26, 1755 based on the testimony KOHAVINSKUYU recognized the miraculous icon. The same year, on June 22, the feast of the Descent SvyatogoDuha, a carry of the miraculous icon of the chapel a new owner postroyan town Ores wooden church. This celebration was attended by the faithful three rites of the Greek Catholic, Latin and Armenian. Episcopal liturgy celebrated Lviv then Bishop Leo (Sheptytsky) .1894 completed construction of a new stone church. September 1 of that year, it was moved to the miraculous ikonu.K Kohavino from various towns and villages arrived about 30 thousand pilgrims. September 8, 1896 the celebration of the 250th anniversary of the appearance of the miraculous icon. During the celebration of the sacrament pristupilo10 thousand believers, of which six thousand Ukrainian and 4 thousand polyakov.Kohavino was a place of prayer and reconciliation. Magazine "Dude servants" for January 28, 1906 said: "Kohavino vchrezvychaynoy respect the people around, mainly in Ukrainian, but also Armenians, although they are far from settled, Ukrainian here comes even more Poles ... As well, that at the feet of the Mother of God and her respect for the people of one faith and one (Christ) Church, although different rites, united ".1902, at the place where the miraculous icon where the old wooden chapel was not subject to restoration, construction of a new stone Chapel efforts IoannaTshopinskogo father. At the same time expanding and stone church. On the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in 1912 took place the coronation of the miraculous icon. This celebration has the largest number of participants in the history of the miraculous KOHAVINSKOY ikony.Tolko 180,000 pilgrims arrived. By saint prichastiyupristupili 100 thousand pilgrims. Since 1931, the Jesuits were engaged KOHAVINSKOY shrine. With the arrival of the Soviet troops left the Jesuits Kohavino and, taking with him the miraculous icon, went to Poland, to the city of Gliwice. In Gliwice Kohavinskaya miraculous icon is stored today. Under Soviet rule in a miraculous place. Kohavino to erase the memory of it was merged with. Gnezdychev. The church was lonhranilische, and the buildings of the monastery - a boarding school for mentally retarded children. With the renewal of the UGCC from the underground shrine took KOHAVINSKOY redemtoristy fathers. On the miraculous place was renovated chapel, rebuilt temple - now is the church of the Holy Virgin, and the walls of the former Jesuit monastery is the Monastery of St. Gerard, novitsiyatsky house Lviv province of the Order of the Holy Redeemer. May 30, 2000 in Kohavino brought from Poland a replica of the miraculous icon. The celebration takes place on KOHAVINSKOY holy feast of the Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary - 14 October. According to the publication, Zhirovska A Pilgrimage shrines. - M.: Mirror, 2009 Address - The monastery of St. Gerard Street. Yaroslav the Wise, 4 smt. Gnezdychev-Kohavino Zhidachevskiy district Lviv region. 81740 Tel. : (239) 48-212 (239) 48-252
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